Highschool Homeschool Curriculum

One of the things that homeschooling parents of teens look for is a sample highschool homeschool curriculum.

The focus should be on literature, writing, and grammar in English. Students should explore a mix of classic and modern novels, write essays, research papers, and narratives, and consistently improve their grammar and vocabulary.

Math evolves from Algebra I in the early years, moving through Geometry, Algebra II and culminating in Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry. The aim is to forge strong foundational skills to prepare for college or career paths.

For Science, students can journey through Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science. Each subject offers hands-on experiments and in-depth exploration of the world around us.

Social Studies should encompass World History, Government and Civics, and Economics. This provides a well-rounded understanding of both global and local perspectives.

Physical Education can be tailored to the student's interests, like basketball, volleyball, or rollerblading. The objective is to promote physical health and teamwork.

Electives offer a chance to personalize the curriculum. Given interests like video creation, music production, or gardening, courses in multimedia presentation or botany can be included. Additionally, civil and geodetic engineering classes can touch upon real-world applications and interests in investing.

Lastly, it's beneficial to incorporate life skills and personal development. This can range from basic financial literacy family history research, to public speaking.

This curriculum balances core academic subjects with personalized interests, preparing students for higher education and life's challenges. Remember, the beauty of homeschooling lies in its flexibility, so adjust as needed and enjoy the learning journey!

highschool homeschool curriculum

Below is a sample Highschool Homeschool Curriculum

9th Grade (Freshman Year)

1. Literature: Read classics, modern novels, and poetry.
2. Writing: Practice essays, short stories, and poetry.
3. Grammar: Review basic grammar rules.

1. Algebra I: Get the basics of algebra down.

1. Biology: Study the basics of life, cells, plants, and animals.

Social Studies:
1. World History: Explore ancient civilizations to modern times.

Physical Education:
1. Mix of basketball and rollerblading or whatever sports interests your kids.

10th Grade (Sophomore Year)

1. Literature: Dive into world literature.
2. Writing: Research papers and more in-depth writing projects.
3. Grammar: Advanced grammar and sentence structures.

1. Geometry: Learn about shapes, sizes, and the properties of space.

1. Chemistry: Dive into the elements and chemical reactions.

Social Studies:
1. History: From the first settlers to the modern day.

Physical Education:
1. Continue with basketball and rollerblading or other sports.

11th Grade (Junior Year)

1. Literature: From early writings to contemporary works.
2. Writing: Focus on persuasive and argumentative essays.
3. Grammar: Refine writing style.

1. Algebra II: Dive deeper into algebraic concepts.

1. Physics: Learn about motion, energy, and the forces of nature.

Social Studies:
1. Government & Civics: Understand the structures and functions of government.

1. Video Creation or some other subject that would pique their interest.
2. Gardening & Botany: Dive into plants and the art of gardening.

12th Grade (Senior Year)

1. Literature: From Shakespeare to modern British writers.
2. Writing: Capstone projects and personal essays.
3. Grammar: Refine and polish writing skills.

1. Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry: Prep for college-level math.

1. Earth Science/Environmental Science: Understand our planet and its environment.

Social Studies:
1. Economics & Personal Finance: Get ready for the real world!

1. Engineering Basics: Touch on civil and geodetic engineering.
2. Family History: Dive into genealogy and discover family roots.

Remember, this idea is just a sample; you can mix and match based on interests and needs of your children. Remember to sprinkle in some hands-on projects, field trips, and other fun learning experiences to add more spice to your highschool homeschool curriculum.

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