Homeschool Kindergarten Curriculum

Some people stress with a homeschool kindergarten curriculum. It's pretty easy. When my oldest kid was about to go to kindergarten school, I got him to practice writing his name and then writing the alphabet and numbers 1-10 to prepare him for the new experience. As I look back on it, I realize that I did the same thing to my other kids in a home school environment later on.

We mainly focused on reading, writing, and arithmetic in our homeschool kindergarten curriculum. These are the things that are important as a base for their learning. Once they know these things, education will be much easier with other subjects they will take later.

Writing in Homeschool Kindergarten

Each of us loves ourselves, so it is natural to first teach a child about themselves and get them acquainted with their names. They are more likely to take an interest because it is theirs.

When we first started, we started with just writing their first names. Later on, we introduced their family names and their second names. Then, of course, we had the alphabet and then the numbers.

When the child first learns to write, it can be awkward for them. So, I would usually guide their hands and fingers on how to hold the pencil. If practice is done daily, the child usually learns to pick up quickly.
Our practice exercises include getting them to do straight, zig-zag, and curved lines when they are younger. Later on, as they progressed, we would do alphabets and numbers. Much later, we would get them to copy words and sentences.

Writing takes 10-20 minutes a day. Sometimes, it can take longer when they start coloring or connecting the dots.

Here are free homeschool worksheets for you to use with your kindergarten kids. You can save it for your use or share it with others.

Reading in Homeschool Kindergarten

When we started our reading, we would normally read to them aloud, usually pointing to them the words so they would be familiar with the letters and their pronunciation.

As time goes by and they become familiar with our reading exercises, we would take them to the public library so that they can choose the books they want to read.

When they were younger, we would have board books. Later on, we progressed with picture books, activity or coloring books, early reader books, and chapter books.

Reading takes about 20 minutes to 40 minutes a day. Sometimes, it can take longer when the kids want to read more.

Arithmetic in Homeschool Kindergarten

In our Arithmetic, we start with teaching the children the numbers. We teach them to write the numbers and to count. First, we start with the basics, counting from 1 to ten. When the children are comfortable with that, we start up to 20. We also teach them things like sorting and grouping objects using games.

We then start to teach them basic addition and then basic subtraction. Some children can take a while, but some are quick to learn. So, be patient. Not all children are the same.

You can use some activities using worksheets. There are lots of worksheets that you can find online. You can also make your own.

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